Welcome to my site. I am a mechanical engineer student of Purdue University with a passion for working on advancing personal drone technologies.
I’ve been building custom drones with my colleagues for over 2 years now and enjoy seeing the progress the field of personal UAVs have made in the recent years.
Something that seemed so unattainable to the average consumer can now be purchased online for under $1,000 in some instances. The drones my team and I build usually cost quite a bit more however we also get a fair amount of time and opportunities to test out various consumer level products (DJI, Parrot, etc.).
Whenever I explain what I do to my non-drone friends, they have many questions surrounding the affordability, quality, and place to buy their own drones. All these conversations and interests expressed in personal drones led me to put together this site focused on reviewing which are the best value.
This site will run through the top personal drones we’ve field tested. I hope this will help you decide what to get if you’ve been debating entering the drone market.